Reminder to all repository users: Please do not add , commit and push any data files to your remote git repositories. The disk space the Git server is limited, it wasn't dimensioned to host anything else than code. Solely your code files need versioning. The data inputs/outputs don't. A good idea is to do "git add" individually on each file you want to commit, to avoid versioning unwanted content.

Broadcast Messages API

Note: This feature was introduced in GitLab 8.12.

The broadcast message API is only accessible to administrators. All requests by guests will respond with 401 Unauthorized, and all requests by normal users will respond with 403 Forbidden.

Get all broadcast messages

GET /broadcast_messages
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"

Example response:

        "message":"Example broadcast message",
        "active": false

Get a specific broadcast message

GET /broadcast_messages/:id
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer yes Broadcast message ID
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"

Example response:

    "message":"Deploy in progress",

Create a broadcast message

POST /broadcast_messages
Attribute Type Required Description
message string yes Message to display
starts_at datetime no Starting time (defaults to current time)
ends_at datetime no Ending time (defaults to one hour from current time)
color string no Background color hex code
font string no Foreground color hex code
curl --data "message=Deploy in progress&color=#cecece" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"

Example response:

    "message":"Deploy in progress",
    "active": true

Update a broadcast message

PUT /broadcast_messages/:id
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer yes Broadcast message ID
message string no Message to display
starts_at datetime no Starting time
ends_at datetime no Ending time
color string no Background color hex code
font string no Foreground color hex code
curl --request PUT --data "message=Update message&color=#000" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"

Example response:

    "message":"Update message",
    "active": true

Delete a broadcast message

DELETE /broadcast_messages/:id
Attribute Type Required Description
id integer yes Broadcast message ID
curl --request DELETE --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK"