Reminder to all repository users: Please do not add , commit and push any data files to your remote git repositories. The disk space the Git server is limited, it wasn't dimensioned to host anything else than code. Solely your code files need versioning. The data inputs/outputs don't. A good idea is to do "git add" individually on each file you want to commit, to avoid versioning unwanted content.

Test a Phoenix application

This example demonstrates the integration of Gitlab CI with Phoenix, Elixir and Postgres.

Add .gitlab-ci.yml file to project

The following .gitlab-ci.yml should be added in the root of your repository to trigger CI:

image: elixir:1.3

  - postgres:9.6

  MIX_ENV: "test"

  # Setup phoenix dependencies
  - apt-get update
  - apt-get install -y postgresql-client
  - mix local.hex --force
  - mix deps.get --only test
  - mix ecto.reset

    - mix test

The variables will set the Mix environment to "test". The before_script will install psql, some Phoenix dependencies, and will also run your migrations.

Finally, the test script will run your tests.

Update the Config Settings

In config/test.exs, update the database hostname:

config :my_app, MyApp.Repo,
  hostname: if(System.get_env("CI"), do: "postgres", else: "localhost"),

Add the Migrations Folder

If you do not have any migrations yet, you will need to create an empty .gitkeep file in priv/repo/migrations.
